Congosto del Ventamillo Tunnel

The Congosto del Ventamillo is located in the heart of the Pyrenees. It is the main access road to the Benasque Valley, one of the most visited in the whole mountain range. 

In this project, the road platform is being widened from 5.5m to 8m wide. Due to the narrowness of the gorge and the environmental value of the area, in many sections the road is being widened with cantilevers to avoid affecting the course of the river Ésera. 

Due to the orography of the area, two new tunnels have had to be built, thus improving the layout of the road. It is in one of these tunnels where our GEOBASIC of 500 gr/m2 has been used as a protection element for the PVC waterproof sheet.  

The companies CANALIZACIONES ESPECIALES MATERIALES, S.L. and GRUPO VILARIÑO, placed their trust in TexDelta for the supply of this geotextile. 

Thanks to the use of the GEOBASIC geotextile, the sheet is protected from possible damage caused by irregularities in the ground that could puncture it and the service life of the waterproofing is increased.