Construction of the new A33 motorway passing through Caudete

Construction of the new A33 motorway passing through Caudete – 2019

A section of new motorway passing through the town of Caudete is currently being strengthened, separated and drained using geotextile membranes.

UTE CAUDETE A-33 (a joint venture between the companies S.A. de Obras y Servicios, COPASA, and CHM, Obras e Infraestructuras) is in charge of building the new section of the A33 motorway passing through Caudete (Albacete). A number of geotextile membranes are being used for this project with the purpose of strengthening, separating and draining in order to ensure an ideal road stabilisation, thereby expanding its useful life.

For the purposes of strengthening and separation, an easy to handle 500g per sq. mt. Geoforce GEOTEXTILE fabric was installed with strong advantages:

  • Perforation and traction resistance.
  • Excellent mechanical and chemical resistance.
  • Well-balanced permeability and particle retention.
  • Cost reduction.

This non-woven geotextile fabric is used to separate different material layers to guarantee the road’s load stability. Among the reasons behind the installation of this technical fabric on the road are layer separation, traction strengthening and protection.

On the other hand, the DLT DREN G geotextile fabric was also used to drain the site works, since the cuspated polyethylene sheet is the most recommended fabric for draining while providing high mechanical resistance.

DLT DREN G is a geocomposite fabric comprising a cuspated high density polyethylene sheet (HDPE) also known as egg tray, (cusp height: 8mm) attached to a polyethylene geotextile fabric to facilitate filtration while improving drainage in buried structures. DLT DREN G has a shearing resistance of 200kn/sq. mt.

This geosynthetic fabric provides the following advantages:

  • High draining capacity and mechanical resistance.
  • Excellent resistance to wear and tear and chemicals.
  • Its 8mm high cusps allow the water to run-off while the geotextile side provides a filtering action.

By applying both products, we can achieve a strongly stabilised road with lower maintenance and improved durability.